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                Internet of things communication support system for smart city communication

                Send time:2021-6-9 9:42:29  Hits:

                [ccid.com] in the construction of smart city, the street lamp Internet of things communication network can be called the most common but most important urban infrastructure, and plays a key pivotal role in the construction of smart city. On August 3, Silver Spring networks, the global forerunner of Internet of things, was named "the most popular Internet of things supplier in the world in 2016" by Aragon research for its IPv6 + mesh networking scale and communication reliability.

                Proven reliability

                At present, the world’s leading IPv6 + mesh Internet of things communication network adopted by rongwen has delivered more than 24.3 million smart city devices, spanning 5 continents and 16 countries, distributed in more than 500 projects, becoming the world’s largest Internet of things, and its communication reliability has been proven for a long time. In many communication networks of Internet of things, IPv6 + mesh takes the lead. In addition to the advantages of wide network coverage, large network capacity and low cost, it also has a unique backbone network communication support system. Reliable, flexible and self maintenance communication support function is the most important reason why IPv6 + mesh is widely selected by municipal departments, public lighting operators, highway transportation management departments, public utilities, commercial enterprises and developers.

                At present, rongwen adopts IPv6 + mesh communication network, with an effective connection rate of more than 98%, and is good at the stability and reliability of communication in the market, so as to seize the opportunity of smart city in domestic and overseas markets.

                All round professional support system

                More than 98% of the effectiveness of IPv6 + mesh network communication comes from its comprehensive professional support system, which covers four monitoring and management systems: application program, hardware status, operation service and network status.

                1、 Application monitoring to ensure that the application foundation and specific applications are in normal operation. It mainly monitors application process and port, data synchronization and connection between programs, application log, domain network equipment, hardware security module, performance parameters, etc.

                2、 Hardware status monitoring to ensure that the infrastructure hardware supporting software and services is in normal operation. It mainly monitors network equipment, server hardware and operating system, database, storage equipment, management tools and services, power distribution unit of data center, etc.

                3、 Run the service monitoring to ensure that the main items of the service are in normal operation. It mainly monitors the simulated Login, main access, output process and result, Invalid remote access, program log and script analysis of the application user interface.

                4、 Network status monitoring, to ensure that the mesh network backbone equipment is in normal operation. It mainly monitors base station, relay, Internet of things router, etc.

                98% positive anti clogging

                The support system of IPv6 + mesh communication network is just like the road traffic system to prevent congestion and to dredge congestion. Through real-time analysis, processing and prediction of the collected information, effective traffic control measures are taken to prevent possible traffic incidents, accidents and congestion; In case of traffic jam caused by sudden traffic accident or road environment change, the system should find out in time and take effective measures to alleviate and eliminate, so as to prevent greater impact on road network traffic and ensure smooth and safe road network traffic.

                In the mature field of mobile communication, China mobile communication network monitoring system plays the same positive role, maintaining the "lifeline" of information transmission. No matter the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo, or the upcoming G20 summit, it is inseparable from the mobile communication network monitoring system.

                The security system of IPv6 + mesh communication network is also proactive. Through the four monitoring and management systems, more than 98% of the communication problems are solved at the preventive level. However, in the field of street lamp control, other Internet of things communication networks do not have communication guarantee system, just like roads without supervision system, traffic accidents occur frequently, which can not guarantee smooth communication at all.

                Keep communication pain points unblocked

                With the overall promotion of smart city and the continuous development of Internet of things applications, street lamps will load more intelligent terminals. The user department and maintenance department of the terminal can not accurately understand the wireless communication status of the terminal equipment in real time, and the treatment of the terminal communication failure has long plagued the user department and terminal manufacturers. Aiming at the above communication pain points, IPv6 + mesh communication support system, Internet of things communication for customer terminal, provides customers with the whole communication support service from terminal layer to application layer. Effective integrated alarm management and more accurate fault location analysis for terminal equipment will greatly help key customers to accurately grasp the communication status of the terminal, help terminal manufacturers improve the operation and maintenance efficiency of the terminal, reduce the drop rate, and improve the communication service guarantee ability of the terminal.

                By the end of 2015, the number of smart cities in China has reached 386, and by 2016, the number of new pilot cities has reached more than 500. China’s smart city from the concept of exploration gradually into the actual construction stage, street lamp terminal load more sensor equipment, will produce massive data. IPv6 + mesh communication support system can play an important role in data smooth engineering. Thanks to the IPv6 + mesh communication support system and its proven stability and reliability, rongwen has been galloping in the construction of smart cities at home and abroad. We hope to take advantage of this experience to join hands with IPv6 + mesh communication network to escort the most critical infrastructure of smart cities in China - streetlight Internet of things communication.