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                China’s big data technology and application of alliance was established

                Send time:2021-6-9 9:43:25  Hits:

                A few days ago, under the guidance of the Ministry of industry and information technology and China Communications Enterprises Association, the "2016 China big data technology and application seminar and Alliance Establishment Conference" jointly sponsored by the communication network operation professional committee of China Communications Enterprises Association, the academic committee of Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications and China Academy of Management Sciences, and China big data technology and application alliance was held in Beijing. Chen Jiachun, deputy director general of Communication Development Department of Ministry of industry and information technology, Miao Jianhua, vice president and Secretary General of China Communications Enterprises Association, and Guo Jun, vice president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Witnessed by the participants, China big data technology and application alliance was officially established.

                Under the guidance of the Ministry of industry and information technology, China big data technology and application alliance is jointly sponsored by the communication network operation professional committee of China Communications Enterprises Association, Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, and the academic committee of China Academy of management sciences. It is jointly sponsored by China information and Communications Research Institute, China Post Group Corporation, China Telecom Group Corporation, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation, and China Mobile Communications Group Corporation China United Network Communication Group Co., Ltd., China Tower Co., Ltd., Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. and other non-profit organizations established by enterprises, universities, scientific research institutions and investment institutions closely related to big data are cooperation service platforms integrating big data research, technology application promotion, industry chain cooperation, talent training and investment and financing.

                Chen Jiachun, deputy director of the Ministry of Communications Development Department, pointed out in his speech that the Internet plus big data + industry can provide a comprehensive basis for decision-making for the development of enterprises and industries. Whether it is enterprises or government or industry, we should make full assessment and analysis before the development of big data, and do the top-level design of the development of big data, and clearly define the strategic development goals and development priorities. To judge whether big data has vitality in an industry or a place, the key lies in whether it has any relationship with the local economic institutions and industrial base, and whether it produces value to the local economy. She suggested that the alliance earnestly and pragmatically do a good job in the implementation and promotion of big data technology and application, and build a new platform for industrial exchange.

                Miao Jianhua, vice president and Secretary General of China Communications Enterprises Association, said in his speech that we have entered the era of big data, and big data applications have gradually penetrated into all fields of China, with many successful cases in public security, transportation, education, medical care, e-commerce, logistics and other fields. In the future, big data will accelerate the transformation of the information and communication industry. For telecom operators, using massive network operation data can improve the real-time performance of network maintenance, predict the peak network traffic, provide reference for network construction and optimization, and improve the quality of network service. At the same time, based on in-depth mining and analysis of customer data, we can integrate data from market, network and service departments, understand customers in an all-round way, make targeted marketing strategies and product mix, enhance customer value and improve customer perception.