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                Join us

                Home > Join us

                Join condition

                • The franchisee of Yonghua company has the ability of independent operation, hardworking, qualified, honest and trustworthy citizens.
                • Recognize the brand culture, business philosophy and cooperation mode of mingyonghua company, and achieve the goal of win-win cooperation.
                • Yonghua company franchisees love the industry, and have a firm belief and full enthusiasm to fight for it.
                • Have certain management ability and capital strength.
                • Willing to accept the unified management of the headquarters of Yonghua company and jointly maintain the brand image of Yonghua.
                • Please fill in your joining information and send it to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.

                Branches set up

                Establishment of sales outlets: the establishment of sales outlets is generally based on the provincial level, and each provincial or autonomous region can only set up one sales outlet
                (distributors can be set up when necessary. In principle, the unit is the city)

                Franchise application

                • Your name*
                • Mobile*
                • E-mail*
                • Address
                • Content*