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                "Interim Measures for the administration of Internet advertising" has been implemented since today, and reddot has responded positively

                Send time:2021-6-9 9:41:12  Hits:

                On July 8, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce officially issued the Interim Measures for the administration of Internet advertising (hereinafter referred to as the Interim Measures), which will come into force today. Red dot, as the chief representative of we media advertising trading platform, actively responds to the party and state policies.

                September 1 is the first anniversary of the implementation of the new "advertising law" and the official implementation of the "Interim Measures for the administration of Internet advertising". In recent years, the development of Internet advertising in China has made rapid progress, which is much more than that of traditional media advertising. But at the same time, Internet advertising also has some problems, such as unclear classification, over promotion, forced push and even false publicity《 The implementation of the "Interim Measures for the administration of Internet advertising" is to let the industry get rid of the barbaric growth and embark on the road of benign and sustainable development.

                Speaking of this, I think you are familiar with and unfamiliar with Internet advertising. Let’s make up a short story about what Internet advertising is, so as to give you a basic understanding of the Internet industry: what is an advertiser, what is a publisher, and what is an agent. Advertisers refer to people who want to advertise their own brands or products, such as BMW, Intel, Mengniu... Media are carriers that provide advertising positions, such as TV stations, websites, magazines, buildings, and today’s we media... Advertisers are essentially intermediaries, helping advertisers find media advertising spaces, helping media find advertisers, The most popular spots belong to the category of advertisers.

                After the promulgation of the new law in recent days, the topic of "soft text" becoming "hard" has been focused on. In fact, the focus of the interim measures is not only on we media, but also on Internet products with advertising functions, such as Taobao and Baidu. Article 3 the term "Internet advertisement" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the commercial advertisement that directly or indirectly promotes goods or services in the form of words, pictures, audio, video or other forms (+ wechat pays attention to the Internet world) through Internet media such as websites, web pages and Internet applications. And Article 7 Internet advertisements shall be identifiable and marked with "advertisement" so that consumers can identify them as advertisements. The analysis said that the implementation of these two measures will push the agents and public numbers of micro dealers, and the circle of friends will enter the regulatory system according to the official account, and the audit will pass the relevant departments.

                In fact, since the beginning of its birth, red dot has been committed to building a we media advertising trading platform, integrating advertising information exchange, advertising demand side and media side, and has sought to rationalize and standardize the advertising market. It is precisely because of the lack of corresponding censors in the we media advertising market that we have integrated the market and formulated rules to standardize all we media people, red dot big V and red dot Popular anchor these emerging advertising carriers together, so as to achieve the review standard, red dot senior vice president Zhang Xinchun said.

                The promulgation of the "Interim Measures" can be more conducive to the red dot’s strict examination of red dot’s orders and avoid false publicity. Any enterprise or individual we media should stop taking chances and refuse to pass those who try to brush the edge. This time, red dot has laws to follow.

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