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                About us

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                Company profile

                Guangdong Yonghua Communication Technology Co., Ltd. is a new technology company invested by Foshan Nanhai Yonghua Communication Equipment Factory with over 30 years of management experience. The company is located at 38 Kebao North Road, Shishan Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong Province. The total construction area of the company is more than 60000 square meters. Yonghua is a national high-tech enterprise, with over 300 employees and annual turnover of more than 200 million RMB. It is also a competitive enterprise with a great number of certifications such as China Customs Import and Export Qulification, Contract Abiding Certificate, ISO Quality System Certificate, Enterprise Credit A-level Rating Certificate, Product Design Patents and special product certification certificates.

                The company’s main products are:
                Intelligent transportation: Platform Screen Doors (full height system, half height system), Ticket Vending Machines, Automatic Fare Collection System, Expressway Intelligent Tollbooths, Intelligent Fare Gate System, etc.
                Communication network products: Optical Fiber Distribution Frame, Optical Fiber Splice Closure, Optical Fiber Distribution Cabinet, Optical Cable Terminal Box, Network Server Rack, Monitoring TV wall, Operation Desk, Power Supply Cabinet, Office Desk, Integrated Wiring Box and Network Special Case, etc.

                Yonghua has established a perfect enterprise management system with capable leadership. And we also have an experienced research and development team working on different projects to satisfy customers’ requirement..

                Yonghua has always been working hard on self-improvement and contributing to the society. We always adheres to the path of creating excellence, seeking innovation, opening up and development, We are always chasing the goal of higher quality, more reliable service and better influence. And we are looking forward to work with you to make progress and create a brighter future.