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                5g transition, is there still consumer demand in 4G smartphone market?

                Send time:2021-6-11 12:06:42  Hits:

                Under the good opportunity of 5g transition, mobile phone manufacturers are eager to seize the growth opportunity brought by the new round of "replacement wave". At the beginning of the year, Lu Weibing once disclosed: "cc9 Pro will be delisted immediately. The 4G products above 2000 yuan have been basically cleared. 5g has come, and no one can stop it."

                Lu Weibing mentioned that "I mi" is cleaning up 4G product inventory while making 5g product launch plan in line with the trend, which is a small epitome of product line planning and co-ordination of many mobile phone manufacturers this year. Under such a 5g manufacturing boom, we have witnessed the high-density appearance and launch of 5g new machines this year. Even apple, which "every technology will be used in the product only after it is mature", also released the 5g version of the iPhone 12 series at this year’s new product launch.

                4G Smartphone Production is still on the back of 5g industry transition

                "5g has come, no one can stop it." Is there any consumer demand in the 4G smartphone market? At the beginning of the year, some readers asked the author (Li Minmin, the writer) similar questions. The author’s answer is yes.

                In April 2020, glory released its new play series mobile phone, glory play4t, which is positioned as Coldplay technology. In the back of 5g industry transition, glory released a new 4G smartphone. In the first year of 5g, when competing product manufacturers were trying to clean up 4G product inventory, the glorious song was a bit puzzling.

                A few days ago, it came out that Huawei might restart the 4G mobile phone product line. According to the news, Huawei is actively ordering related terminal parts for 4G smart phones from suppliers. Some component manufacturers have been informed that they will resume purchasing motherboards and other components this month. This news coincides with the previous loosening of the "4G product" of Huawei by Qualcomm.

                At the press conference of redmi note 9 three swordsmen, a 4G product, Hongmi note 9 4G, was also unveiled. In saying "5g has come, no one can stop." Six months later, Lu Weibing personally led the new product launch with 4G products.

                We can see that 4G smart phones are being produced or will be produced. The real actions of manufacturers are enough to show that the consumer demand of 4G smartphone market still exists objectively.

                4G full service basic network will exist for a long time, providing survival soil for 4G mobile phones

                5g takes the lead, but the current 4G network is still a full-service, wide coverage of the basic boutique network. Under the coverage of this exquisite network with 5.44 million 4G base stations, the mobile internet life, work, learning efficiency and convenience of 1.296 billion domestic 4G users have been effectively met.

                480000 5g base stations, more than 60 million 5g users, more than 100 million 5g network terminal connections (October 2020 data), domestic 5g infrastructure construction has achieved phased results. However, according to Wu Hequan, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, 5g will require more dense base stations (the number of 5g base stations will be 4-5 times that of 4G). The current volume is far away from the full-service network coverage of 4G.

                At present, 2G and 3G are gradually withdrawing from the network. Under the current of the times, 4G will also withdraw from the network one day. The ultimate goal of operators will be to keep only a 5g network, but this process will be long enough to make 4G network continue to exist for 5-10 years( Basis: China Mobile once proposed that it would take five years for TD-SCDMA to evolve into TD-LTE to complete the complete transition from 3G to 4G. Later, the transition period seemed to be more than five years

                4G network as a full-service, wide coverage of the basic network will exist for a long time, which naturally provides the survival soil for 4G products.

                4G mobile phone still has potential market demand

                The long transition gap between 4G and 5g provides the survival soil for 4G products. At the same time, 4G mobile phone market demand is real. Especially in the sinking market, 4G mobile phones will still have a long life cycle, just like the current 4G, 5g alternate network environment, the sinking market still has a large number of 2G, 3G users. When 2G and 3G networks are completely removed, they will be converted into new 4G mobile phone users.

                In addition to sinking the market, 4G mobile phones also have real demand in overseas markets. Latin America, Asia Pacific, Africa and other regions are still 4G consumer markets. Some regions only provide 4G networks, and 4G products are still competitive.

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